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Runner's Workshop (3).png

Friday, Sept 17

Space Limited 

Get your spot today

This Free Online Workshop will show you:


The Top 3 Run Faults and how to fix them plus the 1 Test to see if you have a high injury risk

Learn how each run fault equals either a mobility or a strength or mobility issue that could lead to an injury layoff. Also find out if you are dealing with one of the leading causes of hip, knee, and ankle pain as well as plantar faciitis.

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Win your warm-up with these 3 essential mobility moves

Get your yoga mat to work these simple yet powerful stretches for healthy backs, hips, knees, ankles, and feet

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3 Essential Total Body Strength Moves

These 3 moves pack a powerful punch and don't need any equipment for you to start to feel stronger. 


About your presenter

Brandon Alkire, DPT, CSCS, FMS, Cert. DN

Doctor of Physical Therapy and Strength Coach


Dr. Brandon is the owner and a Physio at Body Mechanix Physiotherapy and Fitness. 4 of his favorite people call him daddy while he's been married to his other favorite person for over 18 years. He enjoys teaching martial arts and is a Mestrando in Capoeira while in the mornings, he can be found working out with the guys in F3 around town.  

He's the author of 4 pain relief guides for neck, low back, shoulder, and knees and the lead contributor to the Active Tallahassee Blog. 

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